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Admission Requirement

(B) Master’s programme at UUM College of Business (UUM COB)

Applicants for a Master’s Programme at UUM COB must possess:

a) A bachelor’s degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia or any other institutions of higher learning recognised by the University Senate with a CGPA of at least 2.75; or

b) A bachelor’s degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia or any other institutions of higher learning recognised by the University Senate with a CGPA of less than 2.75 and have at least five (5) years of relevant work experience may be considered, subject to the interview by Postgraduate Committee; or

c) A diploma from any institutions of higher learning recognised by the University Senate with at least ten (10) years of relevant work experience, 35 years or older and passed APEL assessment (level 7); and

d) fulfil the English language requirement as set by the University Senate.

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