Two postgraduate students from School of Technology Management and Logistics (STML) were selected by Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan to conduct a part of their research under a scholarship from Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) from 01 August to 25 September 2017.
The students, Anas Hasbullah (Masters by research) and Nurul Aqila Hasbullah (PhD) are under supervision of Dr Norani Nordin and Dr H.M. Belal, have completed the program successfully. The objectives of this program were to conduct a part of their research at JAIST and to enhance collaboration with JAIST as an MOU partner. For the whole period of their stay in Japan, Anas Hasbullah was placed in Kohda Lab under the direct supervision of Prof. Youji Kohda, whereas Nurul Aqila was with Shirahada Lab under the supervision of Prof. Kunio Shirahada in School of Knowledge Science, JAIST.
The students have gained lots of experience and new knowledge during their stay in JAIST. Among the activities that they have participated were weekly presentation in Professor’s lab, School of Knowledge Science Masters Poster Exhibition, Japanese Language Intensive Class, Tatsunokuchi Festival Jonkara Dance, Hanabi Festival, and local sightseeing at Nomi and Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture.