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On 14th October 2016, 38 students of BJMP 3072 Purchasing and Supply Chain Management class from School of Management Technology and Logistics (STML), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), led by their lecturer, Dr Adam bin Mohd Saifudin, visited MTT priority, Bayan Lepas, Penang.

The aim of the site visit is to expose the students about the supply purchase networking and supply chain in practice to at least assisting them to accomplish the final project assignment this semester. The students departed from UUM at 9.00 am and reached MTT priority at 2.00 pm.

53 Years of excellence as a 3rd party logistics service provider, MTT Group of Companies has its origin since 1963, with the establishment of the Malaysia Trade & Transport Co Sdn. Bhd. by the late Dato’ Ong Chin Teik, when they started as one of the local pioneers in barging, stevedoring and shipping. In 1988, Priority Cargo Sdn. Bhd. and Priority Bonded Warehouse Sdn. Bhd. were founded by Dato’ Dr Kenny Ong, as a natural progression to offer a comprehensive and one-stop total logistics solution. In 1994, Priority Synergy Sdn. Bhd. was setup within the Central Region of Peninsular Malaysia, which initiated the expansion of our presence to the rest of the country and the world.Now, MTT Group of Companies has expand from logistics to other types of business provider such as software.

Upon reaching the company, we were received by MTT staff, led by,Mr Zi Shen till the lobby of MTT. We were later briefed about the company’s background as the starter of the session and continue by more about the company’s services by Mr.Jason Tan, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of MTT priority and his assistants Mr.Yap and Mr.Yew also were there during the briefings.
The students were later briefed about the warehouse by Mr Jason Tan the COO and also he did brief about the safety and procedures before bringing in the students inside the warehouse. The students were given the opportunity to visit the warehouse in order for them to get clear picture of the activities of inbound and outbound that takes place in warehouse.The students were brought to two types of warehouse, conventional warehouse and VNA-design warehouse. The students were able to study on that warehouses and its process flows.

An Operations Management student, Inthira Anbarasan, said the program had successfully educated her on how to hands-on-it the actual operation of the company. She also learned how important the services rendered to the customers and experience how the logistics industry was operated especially in the field of 3rd party logistics service provider.

Student’s Project Director Mohar Ikhram, acknowledged that all students had gone through the actual experience in this site visit and opened their mind sets about the supply chain process to finish their final project assignments.

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